Sunday 12 July 2009

The July Newsletter

The NZ Film Commission brings out a monthly newsletter. It's an interesting one this month and I'll go into more detail in my next entry. But I want to quickly focus on a new list that has appeared in the newsletter that outlines how much Commission money was invested in recent films.



The Ferryman


Black Sheep


Out of the Blue


Eagle vs Shark


The Devil Dared Me To


Dean Spanley


The Vintner’s Luck


Strength of Water


The Tattooist


We’re Here to Help


Rain of the Children




Under the Mountain


Separation City


Second Hand Wedding


Song of Good


Apron Strings


Show of Hands


Rubbings from a Live Man


Topp Twins


The Volcano


After the Waterfall




At first glance this list seems pretty reasonable. We're Here To Help was a box office failure but there are a number of films here such as Out Of The Blue and Black Sheep that must be considered successful. The out and out failure here must be The Tattooist which shows an investment of $4,000,000 and it barely got a limited cinema release if any release at all. There may have been some boost from dvd and ancillary markets but it still appears to be a bomb.

Rubbings From A Live Man also strikes me as interesting case. I know the production budget of the film was a good deal lower than $700,000 so most of that money has gone into post production. The question would be why. I know the filmmakers would have liked more money upfront so they could have put it onto the screen. Florian Habicht is clearly a filmmaker to watch and there has already been a sizeable investment in him, so why not just give him the money upfront and let him get on with it?

Meanwhile news is coming through of a new board for the Commission... More next time!

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